How to Avoid Taking Verses Out of Context


It’s easy to become familiar with the Bible.

And that familiarity often contributes to misinterpreting the Bible. Whether it’s taking scriptures out of context or reading into the text what we hope it means, we can find ourselves forming doctrines and theologies that don’t align with God’s heart or His ways.

In an interview with Jonathan Petersen for BibleGateway, theologian and New Testament scholar Michael Bird stated:

There’s a sense in which we need to defamiliarize the Bible in order to properly understand it. In other words, recognize that the biblical world and our world are different places and words can mean different things in those respective places.

Because we can become familiar with the Bible, it’s important that we keep each passage of Scripture in context.

To keep Scripture in context means to see the bigger picture.

It’s about understanding a verse within the flow of the chapter, the book, and the entire story of the Bible. It’s about asking the right questions of the text when you read it.

When you take the time to understand the context culturally, historically, and theologically, you get a clearer picture of what God is actually saying. And that changes how you interpret it, teach it, and live it out.



Why Does Context Matter?

Context provides a framework for understanding the Scriptures.

It’s important to remember the Bible isn’t a random assortment of musings. It’s all intertwined. Each book and letter cross-referencing each other in a beautiful mosaic.

And because it’s woven together in this way, each scripture requires us to pay attention to its context and setting.

We shouldn’t separate one passage from the whole of Scripture.

When it comes to the Bible, context provides:


All throughout the Bible, you’ll see scriptures referencing other scriptures.

In a beautiful way, the Bible builds upon itself, which creates consistency in the biblical narrative. And this consistency is important, especially when it comes to interpreting and understanding the Bible.

When we struggle to understand one passage of scripture, we can cross-reference it with other passages, word uses, etc. to form a consistent interpretation of the text.


The Bible is a coherent story.

There’s a narrative arc that it follows, with central themes running from the beginning to the end. And this is why it’s important that we read the Scriptures within context.

Context provides coherence.

It ensures that when we read the Bible, we see how one passage of scripture fits into the overall narrative of the Bible. Because anytime we read a scripture out of context, we risk forming an interpretation that is at odds with the overall story.

Theological Integrity

Reading the Bible in context is vital for theological integrity.

When it comes to interpreting, teaching, and preaching, integrity is paramount. We want to be honest with our interpretive process, asking the right questions and reading Scripture in context, in order to arrive at a proper theological understanding of the text.

If Scripture is taken out of context, the integrity of how the Scriptures are interpreted and taught can be compromised.



Three Contexts You Need to Interpret Scripture Faithfully

To ensure Scripture stays within its proper context, it’s important to keep these things in mind:

Literary Context

Pay attention to the surrounding verses, chapters, and the overall structure of the passage of Scripture.
Try to recognize the genre, whether it’s poetry, narrative, or prophecy. This helps prevent misinterpreting isolated passages, keeping them within their proper literary context.

Historical and Cultural Context

The Bible was written in specific historical and cultural settings.
Understanding the customs, politics, and societal norms of the time helps clarify the meaning of a text and how it was originally understood by its audience.

Theological Context

It’s crucial that we interpret individual passages in light of the whole biblical narrative.
Every part of Scripture fits within the overarching story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. This helps to ensure that our interpretations align with the overall message of the Bible.



How to Read the Bible in Context

Understanding how to read and interpret the Bible in its proper context is referred to as hermeneutics.

And within hermeneutics, there are three main questions to ask when approaching the Scriptures:


Who was the passage written to?

To properly interpret Scripture and not take it out of context, it’s important to ask: who was the original audience?

When you know to whom a passage of Scripture was written, you can better understand and interpret the meaning of the text.

What was the author’s intent for this passage?

Another key aspect of proper hermeneutics is understanding the author’s original intent for the passage.

Was the passage written to describe an event?

Was the passage intended to establish doctrine?

When you understand the author’s intent for the passage, you can better interpret the passage within its original context.

What does it mean for us today?

While there was an original audience and an intended meaning, the Scriptures are still relevant for us today.

The Bible wasn’t written to us, but it was still written for us.

And with proper hermeneutics, we are able to keep passages of Scripture in context and better understand their meaning for us today.

The truth of the Bible is timeless.

And it will always speak to where we are today.

Learn How to Read the Bible in Context

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